Form this they _______ that each crab follows not only the rhythm of the sun but also that of the tides
Private Sub Form_Click() 单击窗体,窗体上将会打印出:For i = 1 To 5 Print Tab(8 - i); String(i, Format(i));Next i End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click() 窗体上单击后,显示结果为:a=85Select case aCase Is> =60 I=“及格”Case Is> =70 I=“中“Case Is> =80 I=“良”Case else I=“优”End SelectPrint IEnd Sub
一个窗体单击事件过程如下: Private Sub Form_Click() X = Val(Text1.Text):Y = Val(Text2.Text) If X = 0 Or Y = 0 Then Print "不在任何象限内": Exit Sub If X > 0 And Y > 0 Then Print "IN A" If X > 0 And Y < 0 Then Print "IN D" If X < 0 And Y > 0 Then Print "IN B" If X < 0 And Y < 0 Then Print "IN C"End Sub
一个窗体单击事件过程如下: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer a = 6 : b = 15 c = a * b If a > b Then a = a - b Else b = b - a End If Print a, b, c / bEnd Sub试问:当单击窗体后,输出为___________。
单击窗体时,下列程序代码的执行结果为___________。Private Sub Form_Click() x = Int(Rnd) + 5 If x * x > 8 Then y = x * x + 1 If x * x = 9 Then y = x * x * x If x * x < 8 Then y = x * x - 3 Print yEnd Sub
下列程序段的执行结果为___________。Private Sub Form_Click()Dim x(3,5) For i=1 to 3 For j=1 to 5x(i,j)=x(i-1,j-1)+i+jnext j,iPrint x(3,4)End Sub
一个窗体单击事件过程如下: Private Sub Form_Click() x = Int(Rnd) + 10 If x * x > 10 Then y = x + 1 If x * x = 8 Then y = x * x If x * x < 10 Then y = x * x + 5 Print yEnd Sub试问:当单击窗体后,输出为___________。